Friday, February 13, 2009

Announcing New Job Classifications to Make Searching for a GTA Job Easier! announced today the introduction of five new job classifications, to make searching for jobs on the website even easier. This brings the total number of classifications to 54. Having more job classifications helps job seeker better refine their searches.

The five new job posting classifications are:

Toronto Green Jobs: A classification whose time has come! Jobs that have anything to do with the environment, sustainability, green energy, waste reduction, pollution reduction, air or water quality and everything in between.

Toronto Domestic Help, Caregivers, and Personal Support Workers (PSWs): This is in response to job postings that did not quite fit our ECE & Childcare and Healthcare Jobs pages. Our editors found that some jobs in this classification were being posted in General Help and other broader categories. We felt that creating a more specific classification would be helpful to both job seekers and employers. Job postings in this classification will primarily be to work in a private home and may be posted by recruiters, health aid and caregiver recruitment agencies, or by private families.

Toronto Design Jobs: This job classification is in response to many requests to help refine searches that have anything to do with design work in the GTA. Jobs in this category might previously have been found anywhere from Arts & Entertainment, Communications, or Skilled Trades Job classifications. Design jobs posted under this classification area would include, graphic, interior and fashion design jobs, as well as some stylists, architects and engineers and tangential job opportunties in the various sectors of the design industry, for example, administrative, assisstive, and managerial positions.

Natural Resource Management, Mining & Extraction Jobs: Again, here is a bit of an amalgamation or various requests for a new classification to fit jobs in mining, oil & gas industry, forestry, and natural resources jobs. Clearly, some of these jobs will be to work outside of the GTA, thorought the province of Ontario, and indeed Canada-wide. Employers and recruiteres posting their free job ads in this category should speficy the work location; if the job is in the "Ontario" or "Out of Province" category, please remember to include the exact locale of the job in the body of the job description. Doing this will help to pre-screen your applicants to ensure they will be willing to work in your area.

Toronto Jobs for Internationally Trained and/or Experienced Workers: It is a common problem for new Canadians... not being able to find jobs in their career of choice, even when they have the requisite training or certification from a foreign land. This job classification is meant to assist both employers and job seekers; this search refinement will help to funnel individuals with skills and experience to jobs in their field where the employer does not require Canadian Training or perhaps experience. Without a job classification such as this it would be difficult to determine how important having Canadian experience would be to the employer. This classification would also be useful for those from Canada who gained work experience abroad.

While having a lot of job classifications can be a little overwhelming at first glance, it is apparent from our experience that having a variety of search refinements makes it ultimately easier for job seekers to find specific kinds of jobs. It also reduces the number of postings the job seeker will need to go through in each category.

We welcome input from employers, recruiters and job seekers on new job classifications. Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments area below, or email us at

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